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Chapter 16

Seven months had passed from when Adeline arrived back in Hong Kong, she was working for Dr Chun as an intern at Tsan Yuk Hospital. Martian a twenty- five medical student had just arrived for the month when a typhoon hit , him and Adeline sat in the library and talked about how Adeline’s talent was being wasted as an intern here, he then asked if she would like to come to America with and that he had a room for her in this house. The next day Adeline began looking for jobs, most of the hospitals wanted her to start next summer finally the Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia asked her to start immediately as a residency in obstetrics. Adeline accepted, the only problem was she didn't have enough money to buy a plane ticket to Philadelphia. She tried asking her stepmother and father for a loan but they said “we tried helping you here in Hong Kong, but that wasn't good enough, you're henceforth entirely on your own”. After trying her parent and failing, she decided to write a letter to the Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia asking them to help her buy her plane ticket, with luck they said they would help, the money would being taken out of her paycheck till all the money was payed back. Soon afterwards she left Hong Kong airport heading to New York where she will be staying till her job starts.

The mood in this chapter is very happy because she finally going to America to start a new life away from her family where she get fulfill her dream of starting her own Practice. In the next chapter I think Adeline will arrive in New York and meet Martians two roommates, I also think she's not going to like the roommates or New york and want to leave as soon as possible. When she arrives at new job they're probably going to give her long crazy hours and she going to want to find a new job somewhere else. The impact of this chapter on todays society is many Chinese still to this day have a hard time finding money to come to America, many people come to America because we offer more jobs, better pay, better benefits. Adeline talks a lot about being discriminated for being chinese and female, in America we have laws that prevent that from happening in the workplace.


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